What is the difference between CVBS, AHD, TVI, CVI camera connection?
camera connection, along with the AHD and TVI, belongs to the latest HD CCTV
technology, which is a new open standard for transmitting HD digital video over
coaxial cable. HD CCTV doesn’t require changing the existing coaxial cable
infrastructure and it is only a matter of replacing the camera and a security
camera recorder. Most of the currently CCTV camera recorders support not only
regular CVBS analog cameras but AHD, HD TVI, and HD CVI camera connection types
as well. One important thing to take into account, is that only CBVS cameras
can be viewed directly on standard CCTV monitors, whereas cameras set to AHD, TVI
or CVI connection type, need to be connected first to a DVR or NVR in order to
be displayed on a CCTV monitor.
- CVBS stands for “Composite Video Blanking and Sync”. It is a
conventional analog signal delivered through an analog BNC connector.
It also can be delivered through an RCA connector or other types (older
cameras sometimes used a PL-259 connector). CVBS signal can support
max. 960H video resolution. 960H represents the number of horizontal
pixels in a video signal transmitted from a camera or received by a
security camera recorder DVR (Digital Video Recorder). 960H represent
960 x 576 (PAL) or 960 x 480 (NTSC) pixels, you can compare it with the
lower D1 resolution providing 720 x 576 pixels (PAL), or 720 x 480
pixels (NTSC).
- HD-AHD stands for “Analog High Definition” and means an
analog closed-circuit television video surveillance standard that uses a
coax cable to transmit HD 720P and 1080P video from a security camera
to a security camera recorder DVR (Digital Video Recorder).
- HD-TVI means “High DefinitionTransport Video Interface”, it
is an Analog CCTV standard transmitted over coax supporting HD 720P to
3MP Video signal in real-time. HDTVI can support long-distance video
transmission reaching up to 500 meters.
- HD-CVI (High Definition Composite Video Interface), an
analog transmission standard-based over-coaxial-cable delivering two HD
video formats: 1920H or called otherwise Full HD 1080P (1920×1080) &
1280H or called otherwise 720P (1280×720) through progressive scanning.